Our New Batch!

Our New Batch!
Gibson House 2012

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

In the classroom

Harry's on the job

Mr. C preparing for an experiment involving Flight

Dissecting a Mullet

Marking their work

Group work

 In the Science Lab

Dissecting a Trevelly  

Bring back the 80s

A flash back to the 80s!

... and another...

... and now both...

... then there's these guys! Just like back in the day!

Celebrating with our Mac brothers. Thank you for the cards.

Looking very handsome!

Protection detail...

It's all about family!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

House Chapel and morning photos of our school

Supper time!

A fantastic House photo! 

Supper time! What a fantastic spread team!

Dilworth Junior Campus at 6am this morning!

Dilworth Junior Campus at 6am this morning! 

Dilworth Junior Campus at 6am this morning!