Our New Batch!

Our New Batch!
Gibson House 2012

Saturday, 25 March 2017

St Mark's visit, swimming sports day and their Year 5 brothers

St Mark's visit

 Gibson House in front of St Mark's

Swimming Sports Day

Peer Mediators introduction

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

How lifelong friendships begin...

Where friendships start...

Gibson House 'Meet and greet' 2017

A lot of discussion... Thank you to those who attended our 'meet and greet'. We hope you got something positive out of it and made some positive connections.

A fantastic turnout...

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Happy birthday William!

Time to share and celebrate William's birthday...


Every boy loves really good cake!

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Prep on the lawn. Something different but necessary!

A good evening for it...

All focused in their study...

Team building with Year 5s... in the rain!

 Well done Gibson House. Our younger members of school certainly learnt something about team work, trust and relying on each other to complete the task.

Year 8s on Mount Hobson... a must see!

The facials are a classic...




We'd better stop soon...

Mr Boot!

The boys had a great time. I'm sure the surrounding houses enjoyed the screams as well! No one hurt so another excursion was a success!