Our New Batch!

Our New Batch!
Gibson House 2012

Monday, 20 June 2016

Dodge Ball in motion...

Dodge Ball on!

Very competitive

These boys so enjoy this game...

Almost over...

Great fun...

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Aright Gibson House Bloggers... Let's see who viewing our Blog.

There is a quite famous singer and performer standing behind me watching what I'm doing on my very old 'clam shell' laptop (hint). Can you name him?

Ok people... here it is... in the lake!




just like the doctor ordered!

This poor lady thought I had an accident and fell in! Oh how she was so wrong! 
North Islands own take on a 'mad Pacifica man!' Brrrrrrrrr...

This is how we co-operate as a TEAM

Together Everyone Achieves More

I think the Year 8s won this one?

Board games and lego time

Mr. Conn and Mr. Knight coaching

Year 5 and 6 Rugby