Our New Batch!

Our New Batch!
Gibson House 2012

Friday, 29 June 2012

Gibson House Chapel Service

A full spread

What a wonderful performance

Leo, Fa'amalua and Junior

Full Family photo

Thursday, 28 June 2012

We need more members!

Let everyone know what is going on in Gibson House! Spread the word, sign on, take a browse and remember the days!

How far back can we go?

I have photos dating back to 2005! What do you say we place some of those here on our cool site? Let me know how you feel. Send me a message.

A blast from the past!

(From Left to Right) Norman, Faafetai, Matron, Tempest and Sean

A tribute to Mr. T and Mr. B

Winner of the smoothie was...

Hosea. The correct answer was Robert Downey, Jr. Well done Hosea

Saturday, 16 June 2012

New question

One student is displaying a picture of a famous actor, cut out of the newspaper, over his face. Who is that actor?

The first e-mail back to me will win, for the student, a smoothy on Wednesday. Could that be you? Start looking!

Computer time and Dodge Ball

Alls fair in love and war!

Here it comes!